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GRHRCH UH Cody's Power Stroke MH
Frozen semen only ~ Throws both black and chocolate pups
GRHRCH UH Cody's Power Stroke MH ("Diesel"), an early maturing dog, showed all
of the promise of his predecessors. Of truest tradition of Autrey Retrievers,
Diesel was a
strong, solid performer loaded with style and ability. His speed and accuracy nothing
short of extraordinary. And his journey had only begun. Diesel attained his
Hunting Retriever (HR) title at 14 months; his Hunting Retriever Championship (HRCH) title
at 21; and, his first Grand pass at 27 months. He was owned and trained by Mr. Autrey.
GRHRCH UH Cody's Power Stroke MH (better known as Diesel) was a 75 pound, long,
lean, black male. He attained his Hunting Retriever (HR) title at 14 months; his
Hunting Retriever Champion (HRCH) title at 21 months; his first Grand pass at 26
months; and, his Grand title (GRHRCH) at 38 months. In February of 2010, he
earned his Upland Hunter (UH) title. He was DNA profiled with both UKC and AKC, hips were rated as good
with OFA and his eyes are certified clear. He is also CNM clear. Diesel was a hunting dog
in every respect, having hunted grouse, geese, and ducks in Minnesota, pheasnts in both
Kansas and South Dakota, dove in Louisiana and Texas, and duck hunted in Texas,
Minnesota, Arkansas and Louisiana.
Diesel ran hard on both marks and blinds, showing the true style of a Grand Champion
and Master Hunter. An excellent marking dog, he ran competition in both AKC and HRC hunt tests.
He attained his AKC Master Hunter (MH) title.
Diesel's sire, GRHRCH UH Missy's Cajun Dakota MH, is listed as the HRC number one sire as well
as once held the record for the number of Grand passes for a retriever at 13 passes.
His dam, GRHRCH Redlines Full of Mischief MH, is also a true competitor having her Grand and
Master titles and she has also attained her QAA status in field trials.
Diesel was quiet in the duck blind and all business on the retrieving line. He
was as much as
home laying beside Bill's chair as he is in a duck blind or running a hunt test. He showed
all of the talent and ability of his predecessors. He is a strong, solid
performer loaded with style and ability. His speed and accuracy nothing short of
Diesel's three generation pedigree contains 1 NFC/NAFC, 5 FC/AFCs, 1 QAA (his damn),
21 Grand Passes and 3 MH titles. He is deceased; frozen semen is available.