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A little about our kennels...
Autrey Kennels provides superior retriever training for the avid sportsman
and waterfowl enthusiast. Specialized training regiments designed to rise above
the standards of the most demanding sportsman create a blend of genuine
obedience, control, and the ultimate in retrieving desire. We offer the select
stud services of our retrievers - some of the finest in history - yesterday,
today and tomorrow.
At Autrey Kennels, we understand as current and future dog owners, you are
a vital part of the training team - not apart from it. We encourage our clients
to participate in their dog's training experience in all aspects of their
interests: from visits to standing at the line. Like yourself, we'd want
to know about our trainer and the training facilities.
We extend our hospitality, as best we can on a web site, with a virtual
"open house". As you visit and leave our home, whether in North, South,
or on the web, we hope you take with you a sense of satisfaction in knowing
what we have to offer you and your companion.
Contact Mr. Autrey to discuss plans and courses offered by Autrey Kennels
for your hunting retriever, or to assist you in finding a puppy filled
with the potential to be a future Autrey retriever.
We invite you to read about our background in retriever training and also
stop by our News & Info page to see results from
Hunt Tests and Events in which we participate.